• +91 022 2668 1118
  • info@goldlinkoutdoorads.com

About Us

We are always looking for specific approach to each
cases & Provide full solutions.

G oldLink outdoor agency is a rapidly growing company in Mumbai erstwhile Bombay known for innovation and excellence in the development of out of home media properties. These properties include municipal transit and shelter franchises, comprehensive street furniture programs as well as wallscape and billboard advertising.

Outdoor Unlike many other forms of media, outdoor advertising allows advertisers to reach a truly mass audience. There’s no turning the dial, flipping the channel or clicking the ad away. In addition, the eye-level positioning of shelter advertising makes it the ultimate medium for high impact campaigns! .

Along with its signage programs, GoldLink offers an extensive portfolio featuring transit, wallscape, and billboard advertising, Bus shelters, Auto, Mobile Vans, Buses, Best Buses, Bus Wraps, Banners, Signages, Hoardings,Kiosks, Pole Kiosks, Banner, Ballons, Local & Tram, Festival Gates, Events, Branding outdoor as well as Multiplex brandings.

Prime Locations for OOH Advertising

Outdoor Publicity does not mean simply putting costly locations it requires grass root knowledge of prime locations, crowds, Mobs . Our Festival gates can give a depth to outdoor advertising and our signages at every nook and corner will give The 3rd dimesnion to the OOH advertising.